Some of you are familiar with the Grove standards on refrigeration devices in the home. For some years now, we’ve had two (or three!) refrigerators and one freezer. It didn’t take us long after arriving here to come across (to put it delicately) a second refrigerator.
It actually was sitting next door in the then-vacant property. Vince had been eyeing it for quite a while, and when he was able to determine that it was (1) available, (2) functional and (3) non-moldy, he decided to move it. When he was trying to decide just how he would do that, a Jamaican gentleman almost magically appeared in the adjacent alley with a hand cart. So, Vince gave him $5 to help move the refrigerator the few feet onto our property on the corner of our lanai. (I later learned from a new friend that she had lived in the unit next door, that it was her old refrigerator, and she told me “gee, I hope you took it before someone else grabbed it.”)
So, we now are up one refrigerator. Now, onto the freezer.......we were amazed to hear that the Navy provides freezers to households just for the asking. Since many of the homes are small, freezers are customarily placed in the “dining room” area. We were willing and able to do this, so back in October we made the official request. When we didn’t hear anything for about 30 days, we called only to be told that the freezers were “on order,” and after another 30 days, we were told “the freezers had to be sent back because they were too big.” Of course, this is all typical Gitmo-ese language and we are just getting used to it. Nothing happens quickly or even efficiently, it seems.
Then, when we received a phone call about 10 days ago from the Housing department telling us that a freezer was available, I was excited. It was delivered in short order (which was amazing in itself), and we proudly arranged it next to our dining table. I quickly started filling it with baked goods to make use of the newly acquired space.
About two days after that, the freezer started making a curious grinding noise. In fact, it was a veritable symphony between the freezer grinding away and the window air conditioner right above it chirping and blowing. It was all most unpleasant.

Consequently, Vince called the “Trouble Desk” which is the department contacted when....well....when you have trouble, naturally. (The name is just a little too descriptive and ominous for my taste.) After reporting the problem, an appointment was made for a service call which occurred the next day. The Filipino gentleman poked around and decided it was the motor. And, he didn’t have one. And one would need to be ordered. (I do need to mention that I had thought we were getting a new freezer, but apparently the one given to us had been moved from a recently vacated property.)
We emptied out the freezer, unplugged it, and propped the door open so it could be thoroughly aired out while awaiting the new part.
I was settling in for about a four month wait for the motor, when after a week, I received a phone call (it’s pretty funny to see “Trouble” listed on the caller I.D.!!!) saying that the motor was ready to be installed. The competent Filipino arrived the next morning, exchanged the motor, and now the freezer is humming along at a new low key. We only hope that it continues that way.
(Postscript: After posting, I did feel convicted to make an additional editorial comment. In no way am I whining about the privilege of having a freezer, or even two refrigerators. So many folks are struggling right now all over the world with a fragile economy and we do feel blessed to have been given everything we have. Most of what I write is merely an attempt to give readers a snapshot of living here. We have more than adequate shelter and plenty to eat, so no complaints from here!