Sunday, January 4, 2009

Iguana Tales

Iguanas are the official mascot of GTMO, and they are fiercely protected. You see them all over the base, and it is a strict rule that if one is crossing the street, all traffic must stop until the iguana has safely reached the other side. (It's also a strict rule to say "Hi, Iggy" every time you see an iguana -- however, this is my rule, not GTMO's.) I have to admit that at first it was disconcerting to see these somewhat prehistoric-looking creatures roaming around in yards and on beaches -- but I'm used to seeing them now.

In the photo above, we stopped in this parking lot because we had never seen an iguana eat chewing gum before. (You might want to click on the photo to enlarge it to get the full effect.)

Here is an iguana at his day off at the beach -- years ago there used to be an iguana research center right next to this particular beach, so it is common to see many iguanas here. This guy was a particularly big one -- some iguanas here get up to five feet long.

Iguana at work, acting as sentry of this abandoned building.

For the most part, an iguana will completely ignore you, and often will just run away if he is approached. However, I have heard people relate about picnicking on a beach, and having an iguana run up and steal a sandwich right from someone's hand. Occasionally, you will see some iguanas that look a little battered -- they have the reputation of fighting with each other, probably disputing over territory

It's always good form to watch where you are walking just in case you inadvertently disturb a sleeping iguana while he is catching some rays.

And, be on the alert because sometimes a piece of driftwood can look very similar to an iguana.

(P.S. After reading this post, I wondered if readers would start imagining our front yard cluttered with iguanas -- thankfully, this is not the case. I have yet to see an iguana anywhere in our neighborhood. They do seem to congregate more in certain areas on the base, but Granadillo Point is not one of them.)


Baroness of Treebling said...

Dear V&C,

It would be so great to see iguanas around. I'd say I'd like you to bring one back for me, but you'd probably do it (and if I had another animal to take care of, I'd have to shoot myself).

The gum chewing shot is a candidate for some site on the internet. Blue, too. Mmmmm.

I've been praying for rain for the past few months, and we've finally had some. The creek finally started to run the day after Christmas. I got so excited thinking of all the plants greening around it, and water for all the wildlife. Then my neighbor called and told me that he had a fountain in his pasture, and that it was my water main. Apparently all the water I was enjoying watching was mine, and the next water bill is going to be gargantuan. It was fun while it lasted. All dry again. Come on, snow melt!

A raccoon died in the pasture up from the barn. There wasn't a scratch on him. A few days before that, I threw some meat out onto the acreage that was beginning to turn. Should I feel guilty about this? I feel guilty about a lot of things, so it wouldn't be out of the question for me.

It's so good to have some cloudy, rainy days. A person does get tired of sun eventually. You probably can't relate at this moment. I can't imagine having 68 degrees feeling cold.

Well, lots of love. Keep the cool pictures and the great commentary coming. It's so much fun.



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Carol Gallion said...

Cathy your pictures always bring me to "I remember when..." My boys were just telling with some relish the story of me coming face to face with an iguana about the size of the one there by the cabanna..I stepped inside a dark doorway and he was in there...I came out at warp speed the iguana on my heels, we were both terrified. You can imagine how entertaining that must have been for two little boys waiting in the car with a front row seat.

J & G said...

Hi V&C

It's been a fun evening catching up with your blog. You two are amazing--taking all those interesting pictures and providing so much detail about the area.

Almost feel like we've been on a little vacation--sitting in front of our computer.

Thanks for sharing!

Love you,
G & J

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