Friday, March 6, 2009

6th Month Anniversary!

View in our neighborhood of the bay and looking into Communist Cuba

Congratulations to Vince -- he is celebrating his sixth month on the job as of today! It's been quite the experience for both of us. In recognition of the day, we added some Lipton Dried Onion Soup Mix to our grilled hamburgers, and we are going to try to stay up for the 9:00 p.m. showing of the movie "Defiance" at the Lyceum. For your viewing pleasure, here are some photos from our week.

I just thought this was an interesting illustration of one yard that gets watered, and one that doesn't. Lawn watering restrictions do exist, but don't seem to be closely followed.

Windjammer Pool - one of the two swimming pools on the base. Hope and I were here recently after our gym workout, and some new lifeguards were on duty. The pool was just about empty except for us. And when we got into the water, the newly certified Jamaican lifeguard hopped into the lifeguard chair, studiously watched us as we paddled around in the event we needed his assistance, and as soon as we climbed out of the pool, he left his chair.

Vince recently harvested some ripe cactus pears from a clump of cactus in the neighborhood. With his heavy work gloves on, he peeled the fruit and blended to a nice pulp, then added a liberal amount of tequila. After macerating for a couple of days, we enjoyed cactus margaritas, Cuban-style. (We first enjoyed these beverages on a trip to San Antonio years ago.)

We took a walk on the Ridgeline Trail (just like it sounds, it's a trail up on the spine of what we call mountains here) a couple of days ago to enjoy the cool breeezes and beautiful scenery. Additionally, we saw gorgeous wildflowers and then these beautiful little flamingo moths (I am am so naming them due to their coloration). They flit around so quickly it is challenging to get a photo while they are in flight, so here is one at rest.

The other swimming pool on base is at Marine Hill and the dressing rooms and showers are virtually outside -- you walk through a door and there is no roof -- this particular day graced us with an impossibly blue sky to go with the brilliant white concrete walls.


Carol Gallion said...

Your 6 month anniversary is only one day after our 49th wedding anniversary! Congrats on being in GTMO for this amount of time and you are still finding things to marvel at. I am so impressed with your ability to deal with the hardships that come with living in a place like GTMO and be able to maintain your sense of humor. I say would have made one fine navy wife! That could be the highest praise I am capable of giving. We relived some GTMO memories with some friends tonight and I'm thinking I should commit some of those to Word and send them to you. Some of your ideas about Officers in their uniforms and their ladies in gowns was not far from the truth and yet there were those could not have been farther from the truth.

CathyG said...

I would LOVE to hear any of your recollections from the past -- and thank you for your words of high praise. I actually think I would have really enjoyed being a Navy wife!!