Saturday, May 30, 2009

Exotic or Despotic?

After recent heavy rains, these land crabs are everywhere -- this one is resting on our patio before scurrying away

Gorgeous hibiscus bloom

Shell with inhabitant on the beach

Royal Poinciana trees are in full bloom right now

Five of these starfish were underwater, right next to the shoreline

Miniature pineapple plant in our backyard -- the inedible fruit is about three inches long

This big iguana stood between me and my bag one day at the beach -- I had to out wait him to access my camera!

Every few days Vince and I have the "talk" -- how long are we going to stay here? Depending on what is happening on that particular day, we lean one way or the other.

We are in definite agreement that it's truly an exotic paradise here, as evidenced by these photos.

And, then, we will find ourselves on another day feeling somewhat oppressed, with lots of rules and fences and constant police presence. The MA's (masters-at-arms) are everywhere -- with roadblocks occasionally in the middle of the street, checking for seat belt usage and watching for the ever-present dangerous speed demon who might be driving 16 miles an hour. With so many organizations represented here - both military and civilian - guidelines and seemingly arbitrary rules abound. Communication regarding base-wide events is poor, and activities are geared to 19 year-olds. And, then there is the pervasive atmosphere of gossip, partying, and mean-spirited behaviors between roommates. On these days, we just want to come home soon, be done with exotic, and settle down with more comfortable routines.

No return date has been set yet -- Vince has just about reached the nine month mark, and his goal had been one year. We'll be making the decision sometime in August -- which will be here before we know it.


Anonymous said...

Cuba is so beautiful. I hope someday us in the US can visit. Thanks for the pictures. I found your blog from Beth Moore's LPM.
Long Beach, Calif.

CathyG said...

Mitzi -- yes, Cuba is indeed beautiful, and we are just able to see a tiny part of it where we are located. It is our hope and prayer that someday soon the Cuban people will be able to have a much better life.