Friday, July 17, 2009

Birthday Cheer and Butterfly Snowstorm

Vince sipping his birthday Mojito

Sunscreen and a hat is essential

We celebrated Vince's birthday this week -- he had to work a double shift on the actual day, but it ended up working to his advantage. He now has TWO days off in a row, which hasn't happened in months. Having a beach picnic is always a great way to have a party, so we loaded up some food and beverages and rode on the ferry across the bay to our favorite Chapman Beach. Vince grilled some turkey burgers which we enjoyed with our Mojitos. And, as usual, the beach was deserted.

And regarding butterflies....actually, we learned the little creatures are moths, but I prefer to call them butterflies. A couple of weeks ago we started noticing massive swarms of white winged insects. It is hard to describe the effect -- you see them everywhere you go -- and it is challenging to get them on film. But, with the breeze blowing, and if you squint real hard, you can pretend it looks like snow. My little camera doesn't produce great video -- but you can get the general idea. After doing a little research, I think we are seeing Great Southern White moths. (The video is taken behind our villa in a parking area.)

1 comment:

craig said...


We hope you had a great birthday, sorry we could not be there to celebrate with you.

Craig and the Cincinnati gang