Monday, January 26, 2009

Under the Gumbo-limbo tree.....

Vince had noticed this tree on one of our drives around the base, and thought it was quite striking with its smooth bark. When we learned its name -- gumbo-limbo -- we just had to have a photo of it!

The scientific version is bursera simaruba; in Florida, it's called the "tourist tree" since its bark somewhat resembles the sunburned skin of visitors. I just need Vince to compose a song about us standing under the gumbo-limbo tree. And if anyone could do it, he certainly could!


Anonymous said...


Only you and Vince could find and photograph a Gumbo-limbo tree. By odd coincidence the tree behind you and to the right happens to be a Bouibaise-Bomba tree. I researched the scientific name which is "cannibis gigantis" also called the "cash cow" tree as its dried leaves are sought after by tourists.

Vince said...

So it's a song she wants. She will be sorry.

When you stand by a tree
and the barks leathery
its Gumbo Limbo

But when you let out a squeal
cause you just saw an eel
thats a Moray

So get out of the sea
find a Bouibase-Bomba tree
then thats a score eh?

Anonymous said...


You are really good. "That's a moray" would make any Italian cry.

M Fulcrum said...

I think that song should make all of us cry. (Just kidding -- it's very creative.)
I love the picture; interesting info. on the trees.

Carol Gallion said...

Vince, Cathy never mentioned your skills at song writing. Of course one tends to discover interesting things about themselves after a stint in GTMO.

Anonymous said...

Vince, I am impressed with your song lyrics. You even managed to put some Canadian accent eh?