Saturday, April 11, 2009

There's no place like home!

View of Guantanamo Bay from the airplane after departure.

Amen to that! We had a whirlwind trip to Lincoln for just a few days for Sam and Angela's wedding. Since Vince does not have vacation days at this point, we were unable to be gone for more than four days, and travel time was on top of that. So, we were resigned to a blitz of events while we were home.

The first thing we noticed, besides the weather being MUCH colder than what we are now used to, was the quiet. The house (prior to all of the grandkids arriving, of course) was so silent -- no constant drone of three window air conditioners night and day and no doors slamming from the neighboring units. I couldn't sleep the first night because there was no noise!

The wedding was very nice - Vince was the best man and he did an outstanding job in all his duties. And it was wonderful to see all of Vince's family for the happy occasion.

Here is Emily assisting her dad.

On one of our evenings we were able to fire up the outdoor oven and made some fantastic pizzas and had a great time doing it. Note Vince's tan!

It was hard to leave everyone on Sunday and head back to GTMO. It's been a tough transition this week -- leaving family behind and getting back to the very warm weather. I'm just grateful that travel went well for all family members. Here's hoping that the next few months will go as quickly as the last six, and that we will be back in Lincoln before we know it.

View from back of utility boat as we were crossing the bay from the GTMO airport.

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