Monday, June 8, 2009

GTMO's Great Outdoors

While I am busily complaining about the heat, Jamaicans walk around every day of the year, covered from head to toe with heavy clothing. Folks refer to them as "ninjas" -- they are responsible for trimming and cutting grass on the base. We assume that their apparel keeps out dirt and dust.

Have I mentioned recently that it is HOT here? Summer -- along with the hurricane season -- has arrived with a vengeance. Walking Fergus at 7:30 in the morning is a steamy adventure -- no breeze, just humidity and thickness in the air. The poor dog has gained seven pounds in the last few months, mostly because it's just more difficult to exercise him in the heat. Well, I'll stop whining about the weather (for now), and just showcase some photos from our surroundings.

This is Egbert, one of the many cattle egrets that wander around our neighborhood. They love to perch on vehicles, especially on the mirrors.

So many lizards and so little time! I do happen to photograph a lot of reptiles and it's not from any particular love of them -- it's just that they are omnipresent! (I wasn't able to identify this specimen -- it might be a gecko or an anole.)

Great Lizard Cuckoos are common in Cuba, and somewhat rare in other Caribbean islands. They are known for their long tails and red eyes.

We've been calling these cute litle things "blue tails" but I learned it's really a five-lined skink. There is likely a whole litter of them living under our refrigerator on the patio -- you see them scoot quickly under there when Fergus comes outside.

The video above doesn't have much action but it's just rather amusing to see a land crab in the grass play dead while Fergus busily inspects it. You can also see it at right in the photo. Shortly after we took this video of the "inspection," we heard from some friends whose dog did the same thing but got heartily pinched on the nose by the crab! The dog swung his head around to release the crab who then flew several feet in the air before landing on the ground. I just help Fergus keep his distance now.

Northern Mockingbirds are as frequently seen here as robins are back home. They have so many lovely songs! This guy was getting a bath -- Vince was spraying water from the hose up in the tree, and the bird seemed to love it.

And, last but not least, today is my baby girl's 29th birthday -- Happy Birthday, Erin -- wish I could be with you to celebrate!!!


CRAIG said...

Hi Cathy,

Great pictures, it is amazing the diversity you have in your own back yard.

Happy b-day to Erin as well from the Cincinnati folks!!!

Erin said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

Love the pictures mom!

Anonymous said...

That video of Fergus inspecting the crab is priceless! I'm surprised he didn't pounce on it. Glad that the crab wasn't as outgoing as the one in your friends yard!

Happy belated birthday to Erin as well.
